Kellie Dunn's HCDE 598 Digital Fabrication Page!

a photo of Kellie, she is smiling and wearing glasses.

My name is Kellie!
I'm an HCDE masters student and excited to learn more tools for fabrication in this class! I've spent my career so far as a costume craft artisan for performing arts companies, mostly working with hand tools and sewing machines. Digital fabrication tools will open up an even bigger world of possibilities for what I can create!

Assignment 1: Press Fit Kit!

a round sculpture made of brown cardboard pieces laser cut into moon shapes with slots in them.

A1: Laser Cut Press Fit Construction Kit

Assignment 2: CAD Model + Fabricated Output

two round sculptures made of cardboard pieces laser cut into moon shapes with slots in them. One is black, one is green and brown.

A2: CAD Model + Fabricated Output

Assignment 3: 3D Printing + Lasercutting Lamp

a pendant lamp made of a laser cut plywood hexagon and 3D printed cylinder, with star shapes cut out of the pieces.

A3: 3D Printing + Lasercutting Lamp!

Assignment 4: Moving Parts

A4: Moving Parts!

Assignment 5: Subtractive Fabrication and CNC Milling

A5: Subtractive Fabrication and CNC milling!

Assignment 6: Molding & Casting

A6: Molding & Casting!

Assignment 7: Final Project Proposal

A7: Final Project Proposal!

Assignment 8: Final Project

A8: Final Project!